WARNO Review: Tactical Mastery and Cold War Intensity

Ready to command your own Cold War battleground? Enter WARNO, the latest real-time tactics game from Eugen Systems. This game is all about meticulous planning, tactical prowess, and large-scale battles that put your strategic mind to the test. If you’ve been craving a game that makes you think and strategize like a general, then WARNO might just be your next obsession.

Gameplay and Mechanics

WARNO shines in its deep strategic gameplay. Set during a hypothetical Cold War that has gone hot, you control either NATO or Warsaw Pact forces, deploying units like infantry, tanks, artillery, and aircraft to capture key points on the map. Each unit type has its strengths and weaknesses, encouraging you to use combined arms tactics. For instance, infantry can ambush vehicles in forests, while tanks provide heavy firepower but need anti-air support to fend off helicopters.

The game’s deck-building system for creating battlegroups is a standout feature. You customize your forces before each match, making trade-offs between different unit types. This adds a layer of strategic depth as you plan your battlegroups to counter potential enemy compositions. Whether you prefer a heavily armored force or a balanced mix of units, WARNO lets you tailor your approach to match your playstyle.

One of the major improvements over Eugen Systems' previous titles is the refined game mechanics. The user interface is more readable, and the game feels smoother overall. Battles are epic in scale, with some maps supporting up to 10v10 players, yet the slower pacing allows you to see and react to attacks effectively. This balance between large-scale battles and comprehensible gameplay is a testament to WARNO's finely tuned design.

The game requires a lot of strategic foresight even before the match begins. Players assemble their battlegroups, making careful trade-offs between different facets of their division. No single battlegroup can be equally strong at everything, so players are encouraged to specialize in a niche and create contingencies for various builds. This inventive system keeps gameplay fresh, as players experiment with different strategies and unit combinations.

Visuals and Atmosphere

Graphically, WARNO is a treat. The game boasts beautifully detailed environments and realistic unit models. From dense forests to sprawling urban areas, each battlefield is meticulously crafted to enhance the immersive experience. Explosions and other combat effects are visually striking, adding to the intensity of the battles. However, the UI, while functional, can feel bulky and utilitarian, which might detract from the overall aesthetic appeal during intense moments.

The visual design of WARNO also contributes significantly to the atmosphere. The game’s graphics engine delivers realistic depictions of Cold War-era military hardware and battlefield environments. Whether you're watching an A-10 Warthog unleash its minigun or a column of tanks advancing through a smoky battlefield, the visual fidelity enhances the sense of immersion and realism.

Challenges and Learning Curve

Be prepared for a steep learning curve. WARNO doesn’t hold your hand, and jumping in without prior RTS experience can be daunting. There’s no comprehensive tutorial yet, so new players might find themselves overwhelmed by the complexity of the game. However, seasoned strategy gamers will appreciate the depth and challenge it offers. Each battle teaches you something new, whether it’s the importance of positioning or the necessity of having a well-rounded battlegroup.

The AI opponents are particularly brutal, punishing any mistakes and forcing you to adapt your strategies on the fly. This level of challenge ensures that victories feel hard-earned and satisfying. As you progress and refine your tactics, the game rewards you with the sweet taste of overcoming tough adversaries.

To help mitigate the complexity, WARNO includes some useful features like mouse-over tooltips that provide additional information about units and commands. However, in the heat of battle, relying on these tooltips can be challenging. The game’s depth and complexity make each victory feel like a significant achievement, as you continually learn and adapt to new tactical scenarios.

Multiplayer and Community

WARNO truly shines in its multiplayer mode. The competitive environment is intense, with players testing their skills against each other in various scenarios. Cooperative gameplay is also available, allowing you to team up with friends and tackle challenging missions together. The active and supportive multiplayer community adds a sense of camaraderie, making each match more engaging and fun.

The multiplayer mode supports a range of game types and map sizes, from intense 1v1 duels to massive 10v10 battles. This variety ensures that there’s always a new challenge to tackle, whether you prefer small-scale skirmishes or large-scale strategic warfare. The game’s balanced unit compositions and strategic depth make for dynamic and engaging multiplayer matches.

Additionally, Eugen Systems has committed to continuously updating and expanding WARNO with new content. This includes additional units, maps, and game modes, ensuring that the game remains fresh and engaging for the long term. The developers actively involve the community in the game’s development process, seeking feedback and making adjustments based on player input.

Improvements Over Previous Titles

Compared to Eugen Systems' previous titles like Steel Division II and Wargame: Red Dragon, WARNO introduces several notable improvements. The game mechanics are smoother, the UI is more intuitive, and the overall game feel is significantly enhanced. The AI has been improved, offering a more challenging and rewarding experience compared to previous games.

One of the standout improvements is the pacing of the game. While WARNO maintains the strategic depth and complexity of its predecessors, the pacing is more balanced, allowing for both offensive and defensive strategies to be viable. This makes the game accessible to a broader range of players, from those who prefer aggressive tactics to those who enjoy careful planning and defense.


WARNO is a masterclass in tactical warfare, combining deep strategic gameplay with stunning visuals and an immersive Cold War setting. While the game’s steep learning curve and lack of a detailed tutorial may be daunting for newcomers, the rewarding gameplay and strategic depth make it a must-play for fans of the genre. As Eugen Systems continues to update and refine the game, WARNO is poised to become a standout title in the world of real-time tactics.

If you’re ready to test your strategic mettle and command your own Cold War battles, WARNO is definitely worth your time. Just be prepared for a challenging, yet immensely rewarding experience. This game offers a fresh take on the RTS genre, with its detailed unit customization, dynamic multiplayer modes, and engaging tactical gameplay. Whether you’re a veteran strategist or new to the genre, WARNO promises hours of intense and satisfying gameplay.

Final Score: 8.5/10


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